john tracey specialist welding attain joscar accreditation

John Tracey Specialist Welding is proud to announce its recent achievement of JOSCAR accreditation. This prestigious accreditation ensures that the company adheres to the highest standards of excellence in supply chain management.


JOSCAR, which stands for the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register, is a collaborative initiative by major players in the aerospace, defence, and security sectors. It provides a single platform that enables suppliers to simultaneously showcase their commitment to quality, reliability, and sustainability, whilst permitting buyers the ability to evaluate suppliers’ compliance with a range of important criteria. These criteria include areas such as quality management, business continuity, health and safety, cybersecurity, and ethical standards.


The supply chain plays a critical role within the defence, aerospace, and security sectors, owing to its unquestionable importance in ensuring the delivery of high-quality and reliable products and services. However, with the complexity and sensitivity of the projects involved, it becomes crucial to have a robust system in place to assess and monitor suppliers’ capabilities, a fact that JOSCAR responds to.


Lindsey Jessop, Managing Director of JTSW noted, ‘This latest accreditation is reflective of John Tracey Specialist Welding’s commitment to delivering exceptional welding services while maintaining the highest standards of operational efficiency. By investing in this rigorous evaluation process, we have demonstrated our commitment to exceeding customer expectations and maintaining a competitive edge in the market. We hope this will further strengthen our relationships with clients across the defence, aerospace, and security sectors.’

JOSCAR approved supplier